MATIN TransitionS Seminar Series : Transitions Intermediaries
Séminaire Permanent Managing and Assessing Transition Innovation Network / Activité Privée Méta-organiser la transition écologique
Mardi 24 mai 2022
LEST, Salle 1
Animation Héloïse Berkowitz, Mathias Guérineau
On the 24th of May we will have the pleasure to host a seminar on transition intermediaries. Save the date ! At 13.30 CET, we will listen to Ingrid Mignon, Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, on “Theoretical perspectives on intermediary actors participating in technology transitions”, and Lisa Winberg, PhD Candidate, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden on “Intermediaries in the energy transition – the case of municipal energy advisors in Sweden”
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Ingrid Mignon, Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Ingrid conducts research in the field of Innovation Studies, with a specific interest on the large-scale diffusion of innovations and technology transition in society. Over the last 10 years, her primary focus has been on actors of the transition, such as adopters, intermediaries and policymakers, as well as mechanisms facilitating the uptake of new technologies, e.g., policies, business models and digital platforms. Empirically, she has mainly conducted research within the energy and transportation sectors. Her research has been published in a variety of scientific journals, including Energy Policy, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transition, Journal of Cleaner Production and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.
Lisa Winberg, PhD Candidate, Chalmers University of Technology
Lisa Winberg is a Ph.D. student at the division of Innovation and R&D Management at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research focuses on how public energy advising can be used as a policy instrument to contribute to a large-scale diffusion of solar PV. Her study context is municipal energy and climate advisors in Sweden, and she uses insights from the fields of sustainability transitions, energy policy, and intermediaries. Her research interests are in the transition to a sustainable energy system and the policies needed to achieve it. Lisa holds a B.Sc. in chemical engineering and an M.Sc. in sustainable energy systems from Chalmers University of Technology.