Webinaire Open data M@n@gement

Mardi 6 décembre 2022

LEST, Salle 1

Animation Héloïse Berkowitz


FAIR principles, meta-data, Dublin core, repository, DMP... Do these names ring a bell?


They have to do with opening access to research data, a growing and important topic in Europe and internationally.
So, do you have concerns about open research data, or maybe would you just like to know more about it? Join our webinar on Tuesday the 6th of December, 2-4 pm CET for a collective discussion about opening research data. Organized by M@n@gement co-editors in chief Héloïse Berkowitz and Hélène Delacour, with French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) Open Science Deputy director Laurence El Khouri, Cybergeo founder and editor Denise Pumain and Organization co-editor in chief Patrizia Zanoni, and more!
We will discuss international and European trends, motivations and challenges of open research data, costs and obstacles to implementing open data and meta-data in social sciences in general, and in management and organization studies in particular. We will also present M@n@gement’s new open data policy and will discuss ways forward.
Please register here and join us either online or at the Lest hub.
Looking forward to fruitful discussions

Héloïse Berkowitz and Hélène Delacour


Webinar Opening research data in management and organization studies, 6th of December, 14h-16h00 CET, hybrid

Brief presentation of the speakers followed by an introduction by Laurence El Khouri (Open Science Deputy director, CNRS-DDOR – National Research Council, Open Research Data Direction)

Presentation by Héloïse Berkowitz (CNRS, LEST, Aix Marseille University) and Hélène Delacour (CEREFIGE, Lorraine University, co-editors in chief of M@n@gement) : Challenges of opening research data in social sciences &  M@n@gement new open data policy

Collective discussion with the public, opened by Denise Pumain (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, founder and editor of Cybergo) and Patrizia Zanoni (Utrecht School of Governance, co-editor in chief of Organization).