Néocolonialisme: Perspectives latino-américaines - Séminaire ANR MetaOrgTrans

Activité Privée Méta-organiser la transition écologique

Mardi 8 octobre 2024

LEST, Salle Côté Jardin

Pour le premier séminaire MetaOrgTrans de l'année nous écouterons Mariana Baldi et Fernando Dias Lopes, tous deux de l'Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS- Brésil) sur "Neocolonialism: Latin-American perspectives"

Ce séminaire interne au projet ANR MetaOrgTrans est ouvert à toutes et à tous.

Mariana Baldi is Full Professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS – Brazil). She holds a PhD in Organizations Studies from UFRGS with an inter-university exchange at University of Technology Sydney (Australia). She was a visiting researcher at IÉSEG School of Management (France) from 2022 to 2023. Her research focuses on meta-organizations and critical institutionalism, specifically with the relationships between the Global North and the Global South, different modes of organization, and organizing. Her research interest also covers topics related to transnational companies, and transnational social movements in Brazil, focusing on their role as policy shapers.

Fernando Dias Lopes is Full Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS – Brazil). He holds a PhD in Organizations Studies from UFRGS with an inter-university exchange at University of Technology Sydney (Australia). He was a visiting researcher at IÉSEG School of Management (France) from 2022 to 2023. His research focuses on meta-organizations, institutional logic, Large Urban Projects and social movements, and  innovation in public sector, in the context of the relationships between the Global North and the Global South.