PhD in Economics– University of Aix-Marseille & International Studies – University of Naples l'Orientale
Academic Career
2024 >> Chaire Professeur Junior 'Les organisations à l’épreuve de l’Anthropocène' LEST, INCIAM, AMU.
2022-2024 Post-Doctoral Researcher Politecnico di Milano, TIRESIA, DIG.
2021 -2022 Post-Doctoral Researcher Univeristy of Aix-Marseille, LEST.
2021>> Teaching activities (theory of management; practical exercises in microeconomics)
Prix de thèse 2021 : Lauréate du prix de thèse de la Ville de Marseille, 1er Prix Thématique la Méditerranée
2016-2020 PhD Candidate University of Aix Marseille, France, University of L'Orientale Naples, Italy. Title:The Relationship between Public Authorities & Third Sector Organisations in Changing Welfare State: The Case of Asylum Reception Services in France and in Italy.
2013 - 2015 Doctoral training program in Management and Applied Economics HEC- ULg- Université de Liège. Liège, Belgium.
2011-2013 Master's degree in European Studies. Curriculum : Economics IEE- Institute d'Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, Belgium.
2006 - 2010 Bachelor Degree (Laurea Triennale) in Public Administration Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Rome. Italy
Visiting and Academic activities abroad
02 – 03.2019 STSM – COST EMPOWER -SE Visiting Period at the Caledonian University of Glasgow, Yunus Centre. (COST Horizon 2020 Empower-SE Fellowship).
18-19.12.2018 FEPS- European Foundation for Progressive Studies Winter School for PhD Students, Lisbon, Portugal. (FEPS Scholarship)
06 – 07.2018 Summer School 6TH CNRS-COST-EMES PhD Student Summer School on Social Economy Aix-Marseille University (COST Scholarship)
09.2017 FEPS European Foundation for Progressive Studies Summer School, Vienna Austria (FEPS Scholarship)
02 – 03.2017 University of Economics and Management HEC- Liège. Quantitative Methods in Public Management (Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Naples L’Orientale)
07.2014 Summer School 4TH EMES PhD Student Summer School on Social Economy. Timisoara, Romania (FNRS Scholarship)
08.2014 Summer School on Democracy : “How old and new democracies cope with the economic crisis”. Instytut Politologii Uniwersytet Wroclawski. Wroclow, Poland.
2009 Erasmus Project for studying abroad Université “Lille II”, faculté de droit et santé, Lille, France
Italian : Mother tongue
French : C2
English : C2
Spanish : basic knowledge
2021 IFMA - financement de recherche scientifique
2019 STSM – COST EMPOWER -SE Visiting Period at the Caledonian University of Glasgow, Yunus Centre. (COST Horizon 2020 Empower-SE Fellowship)
2016 Doctoral Grant (ministero dell'istruzione italiana)
2016 Wallonie Bruxelles International. Working Experience at United Nations. ILO (International Labour Organisation).
2015 EYE Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. European Grant.
2014 Torno Subito. Regional Grant. Regione Lazio.
2014Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique- FNRS Grants for the 4TH EMES International PhD Summer School
Coordinatrice IFMA Hybridité - L’hybridité des ressources au regard de la crise sanitaire
Autre -
Giorgia Trasciani
Article dans une revue Giorgia Trasciani, Francesca Petrella, Nadine Richez-Battesti. Navigating Cross-Sector Partnerships: Innovative Strategies and Challenges for Work Integration Social Enterprises in France. International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2024, pp.1-22. ⟨10.1080/19420676.2024.2325706⟩ 4 avril 2024 - [hal-04568618]
Article dans une revue Giorgia Trasciani, Giovanni Esposito, Francesca Petrella, Vincenzo Alfano, Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta. The institutional shaping of third sector organizations: Empirical evidence from Italian provinces. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2023, ⟨10.1111/apce.12425⟩ 8 mai 2023 - [hal-04125395]
Rapport Giorgia Trasciani. La gouvernance migratoire de Naples. LEST. 2022 1 janvier 2022 - [hal-03507698]
Article dans une revue Giorgia Trasciani, Francesca Petrella. De l’« urgence nord-africaine » à la ville-refuge : la gouvernance locale des migrations à Naples. Migrations Société, 2021, « Villes et territoires accueillants » en France et ailleurs, 2021/3 (N° 185), pp.171 - 185. ⟨10.3917/migra.185.0171⟩ 1 octobre 2021 - [hal-03398573]
Article dans une revue Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta, Stefano Ghinoa, Francesco Silvestri, Giorgia Trasciani. Exploring networking of third sector organizations. A case study based on the Quartieri Spagnoli neighbourhood in Naples (Italy). VOLUNTAS, 2021, 32 (6), pp.750-766 1 janvier 2021 - [hal-03352215]
Communication Francesca Petrella, Giorgia Trasciani, Julien Maisonnasse. L'hybridité des ressources au regard de la crise sanitaire.. La connaissance du monde associatif à la lumière de la crise covid-19, Oct 2021, Lyon, France 11 octobre 2021 - [hal-03514033]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. The role of the WISEs in France: tackle social exclusion through socio -economic integration. 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Oct 2021, Teruel, Spain 8 octobre 2021 - [hal-03398603]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Organisations and stringent institutional framework: the example of associations in the field of reception of asylum seekers in Marseille. 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Oct 2021, Teruel, Spain 8 octobre 2021 - [hal-03398595]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. The complex multi-level governance of the reception for asylum seekers in Europe. Similarities and differences among two Mediterranean cities: Marseille and Naples. WG2 Exploring new industries Changing social enterprises in changing territories: A multi-level perspective COST Research Workshop, Jun 2021, Zagreb, Croatia 29 juin 2021 - [hal-03398592]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Scaling-up: A Common Trend Motived by Different Logics. Workshop Transformations in Co-operative Governance Rennes, France Session 8 The Challenges of Growth in Coop Governance, Jun 2021, Rennes, France 2 juin 2021 - [hal-03398604]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani, Francesca Petrella, Julien Maisonnasse. Présentation du projet de recherche “L’hybridité des ressources au regard de la crise sanitaire”. Webinaire chercheurs « modèles socio-économiques (MSE) et création de valeur », Feb 2021, Lyon, France 25 février 2021 - [hal-03503724]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. “Ethically Sound Supply Chains: A Consumer Co-operative Perspective “. ILO COOP 100 Symposium, Nov 2020, Genève, Switzerland 16 novembre 2020 - [hal-03398605]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. The Transformation of the Social Intervention in the Case of the Reception for Asylum Seekers in France. Conference KomSI Jahrestagung des Kompetenzzentrums Soziale Interventionsforschung, Oct 2020, Frankfurt, Germany 23 octobre 2020 - [hal-03398606]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Professionalization of third sector organizations' social workers in Italy, the case of the Reception for Asylum Seekers. XIII Conferenza ESPAnet Italia IL WELFARE STATE DI FRONTE ALLE SFIDE GLOBALI, Sep 2020, Venezia, Italy 19 septembre 2020 - [hal-03398608]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Integrazione e Lavoro dei richiedenti asilo, tra progettualità valide e scarsa organicità delle politiche. XIII Conferenza ESPAnet Italia IL WELFARE STATE DI FRONTE ALLE SFIDE GLOBALI, Sep 2020, Venezia, Italy 18 septembre 2020 - [hal-03398609]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. The Reception for Asylum Seekers, the case of informal networks in Brussels. Conference SE-EMPOWER WG3 meeting: Exploring the ecosystem of SE across Countries, Sep 2020, Bucharest, Romania 12 septembre 2020 - [hal-03398610]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Associations and Reception for Asylum Seekers, the case of Brussels. SE- EMPOWER WG3 meeting : Exploring the ecosystem of SE across countries, Feb 2020, Bucarest, Romania 12 février 2020 - [hal-03503715]
Thèse Giorgia Trasciani. The Relationship between Public Authorities & Third Sector Organisations in Changing Welfare States: The Case of Asylum Reception Services in France and in Italy. Economics and Finance. Aix-Marseille Université (AMU); Università di Napoli "l'Orientale", 2020. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩ 30 juin 2020 - [tel-03508502]
Article dans une revue Giorgia Trasciani, Lisa Marie Borrelli. «I like to work with people» – Everyday Stories and Reflections from Street-level Workers in the Migration Regime on What Motivates Their Tasks. Politiche sociali, 2019 3 décembre 2019 - [hal-02473501]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Social Enterprises dealing with the reception for asylum seekers. The case of Marseille. 7th EMES Research International Conference on Social Enterprise,, Jun 2019, Sheffield, United Kingdom 24 juin 2019 - [hal-03503713]
Chapitre d'ouvrage Lisa Marie Borrelli, Rebecca Mavin, Giorgia Trasciani. A Forest with many trees’ – Mapping migration governance and the dispersion of authority in Europe. Armağan Teke Lloyd. Exclusion and Inclusion in International Migration: Power, Resistance and Identity, TPLondon, 2019 2 avril 2019 - [hal-02473436]
Autre publication Giorgia Trasciani, Giovanni Esposito, Lama Arda, Lorenzo Cicatiello, Benedetta Parenti, Mauro Pinto, Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta, Ugo Marani. Exploring and proposing mechanisms for labour matching across the Mediterranean ICMPD – International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Publication, La Valletta, Malta.. 2019 1 octobre 2019 - [hal-03507716]
Autre publication Giorgia Trasciani, Lisa Marie Borrelli, Rebecca Mavin. Mapping the migration industry and accountabilit(ies) in Europe”. FEPS Publication, Brussels, Belgium.. 2019 1 juin 2019 - [hal-03507726]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. The relationship between public authorities and TSOs, the French Case Study. Conférence– WG2 Research Workshop COST Horizon 2020 : SE Tackling the migration and refugee challenge. University of Trento, Oct 2018, Trento, Italy 22 octobre 2018 - [hal-03503690]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Les organisations de l’économie sociale face aux défis migratoires. Conférence AES_ Association Economie Sociale. Université de Lyon, Sep 2018, Lyon, France 22 septembre 2018 - [hal-03503688]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. . Présentation de thèse. Doctoriales, AES (Association d’économie sociale). Université de Lyon, Sep 2018, Lyon, France 21 septembre 2018 - [hal-03503686]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani, Rebecca Mavin, Lisa Marie Borrelli, Alomar Antonia. A Forest with many trees - Mapping the migration industry and accountability(ies) in Europe. The Migration conference 5F. European Migration Space, Jun 2018, Lisbon, Portugal 26 juin 2018 - [hal-03508522]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani. Social Economy organizations dealing with the European Migration Crisis. European Integration or Disintegration? Causes and Origins of the Crises in Southern Europe. LUISS Guido Carli, Apr 2018, Rome, Italy 20 avril 2018 - [hal-03503683]
Article dans une revue Giovanni Esposito, Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta, Giorgia Trasciani. Administrative Change in the EU: A Cross-Country Empirical Study on the Contextual Determinants of NPM Reform Rhetoric. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2017, 88 (3), pp.323-344 1 janvier 2017 - [hal-03352225]
Communication Giorgia Trasciani, Mauro Pinto, Giovanni Esposito. New Mutualism and Old Practices. X ESPANET - "Il welfare e i perdenti della globalizzazione: le politiche sociali di fronte a nuove e vecchie disuguaglianze”., Sep 2017, Forli, Italy 21 septembre 2017 - [hal-03503680]
Communication Giovanni Esposito, Mauro Pinto, Giorgia Trasciani. Labor Market Transformations and New Forms of Self-Organizing :The Case of Italian Clap. SASE_ Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Jul 2017, Lyon, France 1 juillet 2017 - [hal-03503679]
Article dans une revue Teresa Nelson, Huybrechts Benjamin, Noreen O'Shea, Dylan Nelson, Frédéric Dufays, Giorgia Trasciani. Emerging identity formation and the co-operative: Theory building in relation to alternative organizational forms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 2016, 28 (3-4), pp.286-309. ⟨10.1080/08985626.2016.1155744⟩ 1 janvier 2016 - [hal-03352236]