Kurt Rachlitz

COT - Changements, Organisations, Transitions Doctorant - Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Sociologie Science politique

Thèse en cours

Sous la direction de Michael Grothe-Hammer (NTNU) & Héloïse Berkowitz (LEST, CNRS) : Organization above Organizations? (Meta-)Organizations and Social Order.




Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
PhD Candidate at the Department of Sociology and Political Science; supervisor: Michael Grothe-Hammer (NTNU); co-supervisors: Jennifer L. Bailey (NTNU); Heloise Berkowitz (Aix-Marseille University, France)

Description of PhD Research

The long-term objective of my research is a better understanding of the modernity of modern society. As organizations are of paramount importance to such a functionally differentiated world society, I primarily focus on organizational sociology. In particular, I am interested in the functions and consequences of meta-organizations and digital platforms and the relationship between organizational and non-organizational social forms. 
My current research mainly focuses on organizations engaged in governing the oceans. These include not only primarily political organizations responsible for setting up and enforcing regulations, e. g. fishing quotas. In addition, I am interested in those organizations 'bridging' different societal spheres, e. g. primarily scientific organizations collecting and disseminating ocean-related knowledge as well as providing advice to political and non-political actors.
Based on these empirical interests, I attempt to further develop modern systems theory and the methodology of functional analysis.


M.A. in Sociology, German Literature LMU Munich, Germany
B.A. in Business Information Systems FOM Munich, Germany
B.A. in Philosophy LMU Munich, Germany
B.A. in Sociology, Statistics LMU Munich, Germany


Additional Work Experience

2019 – 2022    Research associate at ISF Munich – Institute for Social Science Research, Munich, Germany

2015 – 2019    Management consultant at CNX Consulting Partners GmbH, Munich, Germany

2014 – 2015    Research associate at LMU Munich, Germany




Taken from here (publications): https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/kurt.rachlitz


Rachlitz, K. (2023): Platform Organising and Platform Organisations, in: Barbara Czarniawska, Gianluca Miscione, Elena Raviola, Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira, Emre Tarim (ed.), Special Issue of puntOorg. International Journal 8(1): Organising Outside Organisations, pp. 3-35.  https://www.puntoorginternationaljournal.org/index.php/PIJ/article/view/144

Rachlitz, K., Gehrmann, J., Waag, P. & Grossmann-Hensel, B. (2022): Digitale Plattformen als soziale Systeme? Vorarbeiten zu einer allgemeinen Theorie [Digital platforms as social systems? Preliminary work for a general theory], in: Veronika Tacke & Sven Kette (ed.): Special Issue of Soziale Systeme 26(1/2): Die Organisation im Zoo der Digitalisierungsforschung, pp. 54-94. https://doi.org/10.1515/sosys-2021-0003

Porschen-Hueck, S., Rachlitz, K. (ed.) (2022). Plattformbasierte Ökosysteme partizipativ gestalten. Ein Framework [A framework on how to design platform-based ecosystems in a participatory manner], online publication (ISF Munich) https://www.isf-muenchen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SmartGenoLab_Framework_INQA-1.pdf

Porschen-Hueck, S., Rachlitz, K., Rieger, S., Ritter, T. (2022). Agilität in der öffentlichen Verwaltung? [Agile organizing in public administration?], in: Computer und Arbeit (3), pp. 21-23

Rachlitz, K.: Digitalisierung von und durch Organisationen [Digitalization of and by organizations] (2022), in: Rita Stein-Redent et al. (ed.): Organisationen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung, Springer Verlag (published), pp. 23-61. https://www.springerprofessional.de/digitalisierung-von-und-durch-organisationen/20269354

Rachlitz, K., Grossmann-Hensel, B & Friedl, R. (2021). The Demoralization of Society and the Proliferation of Organization, Kybernetes 51(5), pp. 1849-1867. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-12-2020-0895

Rachlitz, K. (2021): Interorganisationale Kooperation über Innovationsplattformen [Interorganizational cooperation on innovation platforms], in: Olaf Geramanis et al. (ed.): Verlässliche Kooperation in Zeiten der Digitalisierung, Springer Verlag, pp. 89-106. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-34497-9_6

Rachlitz, K., Zimmermann, W. & Stuer, A. (2021). PS-starke Unternehmensführung – SIXT im Spannungsfeld von Hierarchie und Selbstorganisation, in: Torsten Groth et al. (ed.): New Organizing. Wie Großorganisationen Agilität, Holacracy & Co einführen – und was man daraus lernen kann, Carl Auer Verlag, pp. 197-212.

Richter, T., Ingerfeld A., Menchau, M. & Rachlitz, K. (2021). Agilität ist gut – ein konzerneigener Softwaredienstleister erfindet sich neu, in: Torsten Groth et al. (ed.): New Organizing. Wie Großorganisationen Agilität, Holacracy &Co einführen – und was man daraus lernen kann, Carl Auer Verlag, pp. 85-102.

Rachlitz, K. (2013): Ein soziologischer Kongress im Zwischen. In: Soziale Welt. 64 (1-2), p. 227-235. https://doi.org/10.5771/0038-6073-2013-1-2-227