Thèse de Fatmah Jaafari

ED372 Sciences économiques et de gestion

Three essays on the antecedents, outcomes and moderating effects of Transformational leadership

par Fatmah Jaafari

Sous la direction de Franck Brulhart LEST - amU

En cours  -


In today’s fast paced world where competition, social changes and environmental challenges are a hard reality. This dynamism of the organizational environment necessitates employee and teams’ initiative and innovation. The leadership plays a crucial role in responding to such challenges ensuring that the workforce is fully capable to achieve the organizational goals. In the current research we aim to study the antecedents and job outcomes of transformational leadership in the private and public sector organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Our research is based on three essays. In the first essay we have focused on the individual level outcomes of Transformational leadership behavior in promoting employee voice in the organization. However, in our second and third essay, our focus is  on the team level outcomes of the transformational leadership behavior. Our research is mainly informed by the conservation of resources theory and social exchange theory.


Conservation of resources theory, Performance, Turnover, Transformational leadership, Employee Voice, Psychological empowerment, Leader-Member Exchange, Leader-Leader Exchange, Conservation intentions.