Culture, Sports and Leisure Sectors and the Social and Solidarity Economy

RINOREP Article Mercredi 01 juin 2022


Édition Edward Elgar Publishing

Nadine Richez-Battesti and Francesca Petrella (Forthcoming 2023). Culture, Sports and Leisure Sectors and the Social and Solidarity Economy. Edited by Ilcheong Yi et al. Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited in partnership with United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE).


The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is a central pillar of the culture, sports and leisure sector. It represents the historical heart of the sports movement and popular education. It develops collective practises in which the user plays a central role in the framework of democratic organisations based on solidarity and emancipation. Therefore, it brings together local initiatives from civil society and citizen involvement. The entry explains the values at the origin of cultural and sports practises, then underlines the critical role of partnerships and commitment in developing the culture, sports and leisure sectors. Finally, the entry presents practices that address challenges associated with professionalisation, employment quality, organisational transformations and local dynamics, and the fragility of SSEOEs in these sectors during Covid-19.


culture; sport; leisure; emancipation; democratisation; accessibility


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