Oliver Winkler, Martin-Luther-Univ Halle

Séminaire Invité

Lundi 3 avril 2017

LEST, Salle 1

Too far to go ? Geographic distance and social inequality in higher education choice in France

In continental Europe, France has a long tradition of institutional differentiation in higher education. Especially in France, the differentiation of higher education institutions (e.g. universités, IUT, STS, grandes écoles etc.) is strongly linked to a spatial distributional structure. Preferences for certain institutions require some willingness to travel or relocate because institutions are differently located in the country. Theory assumes that children from higher social classes and children with higher school degrees are more likely to study more distant from their hometown. Using data by Conditions de vie des étudiants 1994-2010, this is confirmed for children originating from higher educated families and with higher personal educational capital. Parental income has a low impact which reveals that money hardly substitutes education in France.


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