Under the skin : Embodied precarity in ‘graveyard’ shifters

Séminaire Permanent Migration & Travail

Mardi 10 mai 2022

LEST, Salle Côté Jardin

Animation Alesandra Tatić

Cette séance sera consacrée aux travaux de Julius-Cezar MacQuarie, docteur en anthropologie et attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche à l’Institute for Advanced Studies (New Europe College) et au Democracy Institute (Central European University).
Il présentera une communication tirée de son article en cours de publication "Under the skin:  Embodied precarity in ‘graveyard’ shifters".
Discussions : Delphine Mercier (LEST, CNRS) et Alesandra Tatić (CNE, LEST)

Abstract: This article identifies interconnected layers of precarity at the junction between being a migrant, working at night and in precarious employment. Migration and precarity scholarship focus at an abstract level on precarious migrant workers’ subjectivities but with limited explanatory potential on what happens to their actual bodies. Distinct from – although by no means antithetical to such literature, this night ethnography investigates embodied precarity, focusing on what happens under-the-skin, as it were, and the level of destruction impacting the bodies of migrants in manual jobs. The article draws on fourteen-month ethnographic research at London’s New Spitalfields night market, Britain’s largest wholesale fruit, vegetable, and flower market. Once we layer precarity, we can operate with a finer, experience-laden concept and revisit our understanding of essential workers in post-industrial societies.

Conférence hybride, en langue anglaise : en présentiel (LEST, salle côté jardin) et en ligne (lien zoom : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/82409493541?pwd=dnc1d2U3Z1Rqd2JzVUNZbm00MDljQT09)

ID de réunion : 824 0949 3541
Code secret : 673547




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