Gwendoline Promsopha
Gwendoline PROMSOPHA
e-mail :
35 avenue Jules Ferry, 13626 AIX EN PROVENCE
Date of Birth : 12/13/1985
Nationality : French
Current Position
Since 2013 : Associate Professor (Maître de conférences), Aix-Marseille University, LEST UMR7317, LEA, director of the L3 LEA, UFR ALLSH.
Research Interests
Development Economics – Institutional Economics - Applied economics - Property Rights and Land Markets – Common property - Natural resources - Migration - Rural Economics - Risk-coping and risk-sharing - Poverty – Elites and political development.
2012 PhD in Economics, University Paris West Nanterre la Défense, Title: Informal Risk-Coping and the Allocation of Farm Land
2008 Master in Development Economics, Sciences-po Paris, Cum Laude
Selection of Publications
[2019] Migration, gestion des risques et patrimoine foncier : de l'Isan à Bangkok. Moussons : recherches en sciences humaines sur l'Asie du Sud-Est, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2019, 34, pp.71 - 93
[2017] `Risk-coping, land tenure and land markets: An overview of the literature’, Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(1), pp.176-193.
[2017] 'Gender, Subjective well-being and capabilities: an application to the Moroccan Youth', with Khouaja Mehdi and Olympio Noemie, in eds. Aurora Lopes Fogez and Firdevs Melis Cin : Youth, Gender and the Capabilities Approach to Development: Rethinking Opportunities and Agency, Routledge. Forthcoming.
[2015] 'Land Ownership as Insurance and the Market for Land: A Study in rural Vietnam', Land Economics, 91(3), p. 460-478.
[2013] ‘Migration permanente, vente de terre, et gestion informelle des risques de subsistance’, The Economic Review, vol. 64, N° 3, p. 497-510, mai 2013
[2010] 'A descriptive analysis of migrants' strategies regarding Land holdings in their villages of origin : preliminary results from a case study in the Northeast of Thailand', Rian Thai, International Journal of Thai Studies, vol.3, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Working Papers
[2021] Risk-coping and resilience in Sustainable Agriculture: a case study in the Northeast of Thailand
[2021] Elite circulation, rent-seeking and rank-keeping. Analytical insights from the case of Thailand, with Antoine VION,
[2021] Quality and relevance of the evidence on refugees in Jordan in an emerging context of humanitarian evidence-based policy-making, with Ingrid Tucci, R&R International Migration Review
Ongoing research projects
[2021] Post-Mining Waters – Emerging Resource in Gardane mining (PoWER) avec Camille Guirou
[2019-2021] PHC Siam, Etiology and management of environmental crises in a Buddhist context: A case study of Thai farmers, coordination: Bernard Formoso
[2017] From a limited Access Order to a limited Access Order: the story of a missed political and economic transition in Thailand
[2017] The production of humanitarian data and assessments on the Syrian refugees in Jordan: a statistical analysis of the production of statistics, with Ingrid Tucci and Lea Macias
[2017-2019] Political conflict and the structure of Economic elites after the Arab Springs, Projet Amorce Labexmed, Aix-Marseille University, coordination: Antoine VION (LEST-Aix-Marseille University).
[2016-21] ANR Lajeh (Conflicts et migrations), coordination : Kamel Dorai (IFPO, Jordan).
Recent presentations
Juill 2021 « La gestion de l’eau des mines de Gardanne », avec Camille Guirou et Claude Le Gouill, Workshop Méta-organiser la transition écologique, 5, 6 et 7 juillet, Aix en Provence.
Fev 2020 « Le label dans une économie rurale informelle en Thaïlande » Journée d’étude Transition agricole, développement durable et nouvelles formes de collectifs, Aix-Marseille Université, LEST-LEA, 14 février 2020
Dec 2018 Workshop « Perception et gestion des risques par les paysanneries d’Asie du Sud-Est », IRASIA
Sep 2018 Elite circulation and the limited order trap : the case of Thailand. ”, with Antoine Vion, in 30th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy annual conference (EAEPE),, Sep 2018, Nice, France
Oct 2017 Migrations et arrangements fonciers dans les régions rurales du Nord-Est de la Thaïlande, séminaire de l’IRASIA, Marseille
Sep 2017 Thailand’s ‘limited order trap’ : a critical application of North, Wallis and Weingast., with Antoine VION, at World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR) 2017, Utrecht, Nederland.
June 2016 Are free loans of land really free? An exploratory analysis in the Northeast of Thailand », in 20th Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (SIOE), Sciences-Po Paris, Paris, 16 juin 2016.
June 2015 Inequalities in Morocco: what freedom for young people to choose a life one has good reasons to value? », in 27th Annual Conference of The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), "Inequality in the 21st Century", London School of Economics, 2-4 Juillet 2015, with Khouaja El-Mahdi and Olympio Noémie.
June 2013 2nd DIAL development Conference
June 2013 15th INFER Annual Conference, University of Orléans, France
June 2013 17th conference of the International Society of New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), Florence, Italy.
October 2012 2ème édition Journées doctorales fonciers, Maison des sciences Humaines, Montpellier.
June 2012 61ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Sciences Économiques, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas, Paris.
May 2012 The 11th session of European School of New Institutional Economics (ESNIE), Cargèse, France.
June 2011 DIAL Development Conference “Shocks in Developing Countries”, University Paris Dauphine, Paris.
June 2011 15ème conférence of the International Society of New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), Standford, United States.
May 2011 The 10th session of European School of New Institutional Economics (ESNIE), Cargèse, France.
March 2011 7th ESNIE days, Université Paris-Sud.
June 2009 First AMID Summer School 'An Introduction to Field Surveys in LDCs, Namur, Belgique.
May 2009 8th session of the European School on New Institutional Economics, Cargèse, France.
March 2009 1st European PhD Seminar on Law and Economics, Nanterre, France.
Awards and other academic activities
2017 – 2019 Co-animation of the internal seminar: “Territories and the commons”, LEST-Aix-Marseille University, with Maud Hirczak and Flora Bajard.
2011 Award for the best working paper, European School of New Institutional Economics (ESNIE-IOEA), Cargèse, France
Jan-sept 2010 Direction of Field Research in collaboration with Pr. Suphanchainradt and Khon Kaen University, Department of Agriculture, Thailand.
Interviews with rural-urban migrants Thailand : qualitative research in rural areas + questionnaires with migrants in Bangkok. 467 households interviewed.
Aug 2007- Feb 2008 Field research, Thailand, in collaboration with the Mekong Institute (Khon Kaen Thailand). 150 households surveyed.
Referee and editorial activities
Journal of Institutional Economics, Population and Environment, Economie Rurale, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, International Journal of Education Economics and Development
Member of the editorial board of Economie Rurale.
International networks
Institution and Organization Economic Academy (IOEA), Society for Institutional and Organization Economics (SIOE), Human Development and Capability Network (HDCA), World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR).
Equipe Recherche MetaOrgTrans - ANRJCJC MetaOrgTrans - Méta-organiser les transitions durables: une approche territorialisée
Coordinatrice JE Elite Economiques - Les élites économiques au sud de la Méditerranée
Journée d'études -
Coordinatrice Transition Agricole - Transition Agricole, développement durable et nouvelles formes de collectifs
Journée d'études -
Comité scientifique MOT Cameroun-France - Workshop MetaOrgTrans, rencontre Cameroun-France
Journée d'études -
Coordinatrice T&C - Territoires & Communs
Séminaire Permanent -
Coordinatrice Meta-Org-Trans - Méta-organiser la transition écologique
Activité Privée
Direction de thèse
- Article dans une revue
, Ingrid Tucci. Evidence as a specific knowledge to inform humanitarian decision-making in migration crisis contexts: The case of Syrian refugees in Jordan. International Migration Review, 2024, 58 (1), pp.442-471. ⟨10.1177/01979183231154506⟩
1 janvier 2024 - [halshs-03912357] - Article dans une revue
, Antoine Vion. Elite circulation, rent-seeking and rank-keeping: analytical insights from the case of Thailand. Review of Social Economy, 2023, 82 (4), pp.684-719. ⟨10.1080/00346764.2023.2171099⟩
2 février 2023 - [hal-04804316] - Communication
, Camille Guirou. PoWER : Postmining Waters-Emerging Resource. Séminaire 2023 de l’OHM BMP et Transition énergétique en région Sud-PACA, Nov 2023, Meyreuil, France
9 novembre 2023 - [hal-04624680] - Communication
Héloïse Berkowitz, Camille Guirou, . Meta-organizing polycentric governance: adaptive management of post-mining water in Gardanne, France. WINIR Conference on Polycentric Governance, 2022, Online, United Kingdom
1 janvier 2022 - [hal-03679364] - Communication
Héloïse Berkowitz, , Camille Guirou. Meta-organizing polycentric governance: adaptive management of post-mining water in Gardanne, France. WINIR, 2022, Online, France
1 janvier 2022 - [hal-04228377] - Communication
, Camille Guirou, Claude Le Gouill. La gestion de l’eau des mines de Gardanne. Méta-organiser la transition écologique, Jul 2021, Aix-en-Provence, France
5 juillet 2021 - [hal-03515435] - Communication
. « Le label dans une économie rurale informelle en Thaïlande. Journée d’étude Transition agricole, développement durable et nouvelles formes de collectifs,, Feb 2020, Aix-Marseille Université, LEST-LEA, Aix-en-Provence, France
14 février 2020 - [hal-03515430] - Article dans une revue
. Migration, gestion des risques et patrimoine foncier : de l'Isan à Bangkok. Moussons : recherches en sciences humaines sur l'Asie du Sud-Est, 2019, 34, pp.71 - 93. ⟨10.4000/moussons.5353⟩
1 janvier 2019 - [hal-02413961] - haltype[publication.type|clean_id]
, Ingrid Tucci. Quality and relevance of the evidence on the situation of refugees in Jordan in an emerging context of humanitarian evidence-based policy-making. 2019
18 décembre 2019 - [hal-02417426] - Article dans une revue
. RISK-COPING, LAND TENURE AND LAND MARKETS: AN OVERVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Journal of Economic Surveys, 2018, 32 (1), pp.176-193. ⟨10.1111/joes.12191⟩
1 février 2018 - [hal-02507046] - Communication
, Antoine Vion. Elite circulation and the limited order trap : the case of Thailand. ”, in 30th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy annual conference (EAEPE),, Sep 2018, Nice, France
6 septembre 2018 - [hal-02507063] - Chapitre d'ouvrage
El-Mahdi Khouaja, Noémie Olympio, . Gender, subjective well-being and capabilities : an application to the Moroccan youth. Aurora Lopes-Fogues et Firdevs Melis Cin. Youth, Gender and Capabilities : Rethinking Opportunities and Agency from a Human Development Perspective, ROUTLEDGE in association with GSE Research, pp.143-162, 2018, Routledge Explorations in Development Studies, 9781315306353
1 janvier 2018 - [halshs-01788603] - Communication
, Antoine Vion. Thailand's 'limited order trap' : a critical application of North, Wallis and Weingast. WINIR 2017, Sep 2017, UTRECHT, Netherlands
15 septembre 2017 - [hal-01612052] - haltype[publication.type|clean_id]
. Are free land arrangement really free? An exploration into land arrangements made by rural-urban migrants in the Northeast of Thailand. 2017
1 janvier 2017 - [hal-01565843] - Communication
. Are free loans of land really free? An exploratory analysis of risk-coping motives in land arrangements in the Northeast of Thailand. 20th Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (SIOE),, Sciences-po, Jun 2016, Paris, France
15 juin 2016 - [hal-01401878] - haltype[publication.type|clean_id]
. Temporary transfers of land and risk-coping mechanisms in Thailand. 2016
5 décembre 2016 - [hal-01409110] - haltype[publication.type|clean_id]
El-Mahdi Khouaja, Noémie Olympio, . Gender, Subjective well-being and capabilities: an application to the Moroccan Youth. 2016
26 août 2016 - [hal-01356682] - Article dans une revue
. Land Ownership as Insurance and the Market for Land: A study in Rural Vietnam. Land Economics, 2015, 91 (3), pp.460-478
1 janvier 2015 - [hal-01189580] - Communication
El-Mahdi Khouaja, , Noémie Olympio. Inequalities in Morocco : What Freedom for Young People to Choose a Life One Has Good Reasons to Value ?. Colloque "Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics" (SASE), "Inequality in the 21st Century", Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics; The London School of Economics and Political Science, Jul 2015, London, United Kingdom
2 juillet 2015 - [halshs-01174841] - Article dans une revue
. Migration permanente, vente de terre et gestion informelle des risques de subsistance. Revue Economique, 2013, 64 (3), pp.505. ⟨10.3917/reco.643.0505⟩
1 janvier 2013 - [hal-02507089]