MATIN Transitions Seminar Series : TransitionS Energétiques

Séminaire Permanent Managing and Assessing Transition Innovation Network

Jeudi 16 décembre 2021

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Animation Héloïse Berkowitz, Mathias Guérineau

Premier séminaire TransitionS du réseau MATIN

Nous aurons la chance d’écouter

Carelle Mang-Benza, doctorante à Western University, Canada, sur “An energy transition with so many shades!”

Bregje van Veelen, chercheuse à l’Université de Uppsala, Suède, sur “Decentralisation, democracy and the challenge of diversity: Becoming democratic through community energy“

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Biographies des intervenantes :

Carelle Mang-Benza is a PhD candidate at the University of Western Ontario. Her research examines the energy transition through the lens of justice and relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. Carelle joined the department of Geography and Environment with a B.A.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and substantial international project and policy experience gained at the United Nations and US State Department.

Bregje van Veelen is a social researcher in the Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University (Sweden). Her work focuses on the governance of low carbon transitions. She investigates this theme through three strands of research: the role of sub- and trans-national actors; the socio-material dynamics of carbon lock-in; and the potential for low carbon transitions to contribute to political democratisation. She currently holds a Research Fellowship for her project ‘Post-carbon: Imagining the future to unmake the present’, and has previously worked as a Research Associate at Durham University, and a PhD researcher at the University of Edinburgh.

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