MATIN Transitions Seminar Series : Social TransitionS

Séminaire Permanent Managing and Assessing Transition Innovation Network

Mercredi 2 mars 2022

LEST, Salle 1

Animation Héloïse Berkowitz, Mathias Guérineau

On the 2nd of March 2022, we will continue our TransitionS Seminar Series with a session dedicated to social transitions, from 13h30 to 15h00 CET

We will have the pleasure to listen to Julien Kleszczwoski, Associate Professor of management accounting at ISG International Business School in France, on “Evaluating social impact of third sector activities: rationalization, learning and identity” and to Laurent Fraisse, socio-economist, associate researcher at the LEST, France and Francesca Petrella, Full Professor in Economy at Aix-Marseille University, and researcher at the LEST, France on “How mixing meta-organization and social enterprise literatures can enhance the understanding of social territorialized clusters : the example of PTCE”.

The seminar will be held online only. Please register here


Julien Kleszczowski is an Associate Professor of management accounting at ISG International Business School in France. His research area focuses on organizations whose primary goal is to tackle social problems, namely social enterprises and nonprofit organizations. In these organizations he investigates such topics as impact assessement, social innovation, business models and strategy. His work is based on qualitative methodologies, including action research. He teaches in graduate and executivs programs on management accounting, organization theory, social business models and social impact measurement. He received his Ph.D in management science at Paris Saclay University /Ecole polytechnique. 

Laurent Fraisse is a sociologist and an associate researcher at the Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST, France). He is also a member of the EMES International Research Network. His main research fields are the social and solidarity economy, social enterprises, social innovation, the third sector, the governance of welfare policies and social-care services (childcare and elderly). In 2021, he is co-author of« Social Enterprise in France: at the Crossroads of the Social Economy, Solidarity Economy and Social Entrepreneurship? », in Defourny J., Nyssens M., Social Enterprise in Western Europe; Routledge.

Francesca Petrella is Professor in economics at the Aix-Marseille University and researcher at the LEST since 2006. She is co-responsible of the Master Degree specialised in the management of third sector organisations of the Aix-Marseille University. She is member of research networks at national and international levels (e.g. EMES, CIRIEC, RIUESS). She has developed research works on social economy organisations, their evolution and interactions with public policies, governance,  social innovation, quality of work in social economy and on new forms of governance of social welfare services. She participated in different European research projects such as Third Sector Impact (TSI) and the COST action Empower-Social Enterprises and, in the ICSEM Project on social enterprises at the international level.

Nadine RICHEZ-BATTESTI is a senior lecturer in economics at the Aix-Marseille University and researcher at the LEST since 2006. She is co-responsible of the Master Degree specialised in the management of third sector organisations of the Aix-Marseille University. She is member of research networks at national and international levels (e.g. EMES, CIRIEC, RIUESS). She has developed research works on social economy organisations, their evolution and interactions with public policies an territories, governance,  social innovation, quality of work in social economy and on new forms of governance of social welfare services. She participated in different European research projects such as Third Sector Impact (TSI) and the COST action Empower-Social Enterprises and, in the ICSEM Project on social enterprises at the international level.

How mixing meta-organization and social enterprise literatures can enhance the understanding of social territorialized clusters : the example of PTCE

The objective of this paper is to develop a dialogic discussion about literatures of multi-stakeholder meta-organization (MSMO) (Ahrne & Brunsson, 2005, 2008; Berkowitz et al., 2020) and social enterprises (Borzaga & Defourny, 2001 ; Defourny, Nyssens, 2017). Building upon the analysis of French PTCEs, this paper is a contribution to a better understanding of how multi-stakeholder cooperation dynamics at the territorial scale emerge, develop and, to some extent, are institutionalized. Territorial poles of economic cooperation (PTCEs) are a French type of cluster within the social and solidarity economy that promotes the cooperation between a diversity of stakeholders at the territorial level.

Based on these differences in conceptual frameworks, we would like to show how fertile a dialogue between meta-organisations and social enterprises literatures could be, in particular when cooperation dynamics and territorial development processes are taken into account.


Jennifer Saniossian,, PhD in Management, University of Lille and at the Lille University Management laboratory (LUMEN, France)
Laurent Fraisse,, Post-doctoral researcher in Sociology at Aix-Marseille University and at the Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST, France).
Francesca Petrella,, Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University and researcher at the LEST (France).
Nadine Richez-Battesti,, Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University and researcher at the LEST (France).


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